Facial markings

  There are many distinguishing features between individual horses.  Probably the most obvious, other than colour, is markings. 

  Horses have a wide and varied selection of markings that can be just about anywhere on the horses body.  First lets look at some basic facial markings!!


  Another facial common facial marking is the "white face".  The white face is very much like the bald face, except the white marking covers/goes over both of the eyes.  The bald face does not.

  Any markings that have the body's colour in flecks or splotches on it, are called "ermined "  eg. Ermined Blaze.  Ermine spots can also be found on the leg markings too.

  Another facial marking that should be recognized is the badger face.  A badger face is when a marking is in a different colour other than white.


If you see a horse with a squiggly, or "s" shaped marking, its called a race.

 Sometimes a facial marking can be hard to distinguish.  Try your best to identify them as you come across them.  Some times you may have to say "it looks like a stripe and a large snip converged on each other."  and that will happen quite a lot in the equine world.  Specifically named markings are there as a blue print to help identify a horse.


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